Time, Talent, Treasure
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Join me, with hope, in support of our vital ministries.
Your generosity makes our ministry work possible by funding operations and programs, that are forward-looking approaches to the North Attleboro community.
These ministries represent our posture of hope, love and inclusion. Together, we can look with hope to what will come from our present actions.
Over the years, you all have helped to keep that faith alive in so many ways: by your attendance at our Sunday morning Zoomed services, by worshiping alone or with a friend, by taking the time to call to check on a friend; by sending cards to others, by supporting the no-bake bake sale, and by sending in your monthly pledge. Those are all visible signs that our collective faith is strong.

Give your time and talent to our ministries and to our outreach programs.
Click on the boxes here for more information.
Learn more about making a donation.
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