A Story About the Cornerstone
Did you know that our building has an authentic cornerstone?
​In June of 1872, members of the Ezekiel Bates Lodge of Masons gathered at the corner of North Washington Street and Grove Street for a very special purpose. It was their job to lay a cornerstone in the northeast corner of what would become the foundation of the new Grace Church. This cornerstone contained a time capsule, and we can only imagine the treasures that lie therein!
In 2009, as we were planning the many special events to celebrate the 150th anniversary of our church, we tried to discover what was inside. We soon learned that it would be an impossible task to access the real cornerstone.
​The cornerstone continues to hold up our building! We created a model of the cornerstone for the re-enactment of the laying of the cornerstone held in June, 2009. As you can see in this photo, members of the Masonic Lodge participated in this event. The cardboard model of that cornerstone has been spotted lately in different places in the sanctuary, causing quite a stir.

Pennies from Heaven

Many years ago two of our longtime parishioners,
Marijane White and her sister Brenda White started a tradition here at Grace Church.
As Marijane explained it, one day, as they were walking downtown, they found lose change lying on the ground. They immediately looked at this as "pennies from heaven!" As they continued to find change, they would bring it to church for the discretionary account. We eventually decorated a special jar for this change, which we dubbed the "Pennies from Heaven" jar.
During the recent Chocolate Stroll, visitors spotted the jar and immediately placed a few dollar bills into the jar while commenting, "What a wonderful idea!"
It is time to say thank you to the White sisters for this wonderful idea. Ministries come in many shapes and sizes, and theirs is very special indeed. The jar will continue occupy a spot in the back of the church, a constant reminder of how we can care for others each and every day.