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Worshipping Remotely

Connect, Love, Care


Virtual Services for the current month are located here:


Archives of previous months for 2021

FOR 2020



Grace Church pauses for in-person worship as of December 26, 2021. We hope we can be back soon. All are welcome virtually.


Virtual Service via the zoom platform will continue, at 9:15. Sign in instructions can be accessed below.



We look forward to seeing you!

Join our virtual service
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Virtual worship opportunities


There are a number of services available, live streaming and recorded that are available.


Click on the black button to view them.





Tips for Coping with the Stress of COVID - 19

Are you feeling stressed and anxious? 

Here are some resources. Click on the black boxes.

CDC launches Coronavirus Self-Checker


The CDC launched an online bot called Clara to help people who think they may have COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, decide whether to seek medical care. The Coronavirus Self-Checker asks questions to establish the user's level of illness and their location, and recommendations for users may include calling 911 or staying at home and contacting a professional. Click on this link to access it.  Coronavirus Self-Checker

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