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Children, Learn, Joy

Our goal is to engage and guide our young people through Christian education, worship and fellowship. 


Church School Preschool classes start at 10:00 every Sunday.   

They last approximately forty-five minutes, when the kids return to the sanctuary in time to celebrate Holy Eucharist with their parents.


Kids are welcome at Grace Church.  We have used a special area at the back of the sanctuary that is equipped with a kid-size table and chairs and suitable books and toys.  Our youngest can often be found there, engaged in a quiet activity. 


Our teens have a special meeting room on the second floor, where they take on projects like decorating the room and putting together a special Christmas Tree for the annual Festival of Trees.  The teens gathered together to produce Tyed Dyed Tee Shirts for a fundraiser. They are quick to step up when help is needed, such as at the recent Brunch with Santa and Mrs. Claus.  Older youth who have been confirmed mentor the current class of confirmands.


At certain times throughout the year we hold a special Children’s Chapel.  We also schedule Youth Sundays where the teens can actively participate in the service by serving as ushers, greeters, and lay readers.


All instructors who work with the young people have had Safe Church Training.

Do not let anyone look down on you because you are young, 


But set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, and in purity.


-1 Timothy 4

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